Kelleher Environmental provides specialized consulting services in the following areas:
- Environmental research and policy development:
- EPR (extended producer responsibility) and stewardship program research, development, planning, implementation, and evaluation:
- Energy, batteries, and climate change and
- Recycling, diversion and waste management planning
Environmental Research and Policy Development
Environmental research projects typically involve literature reviews, web based research, interviews with key informants and content experts, quantification of the scope of the issue and identification and evaluation of options to address and solve the issue.
Kelleher Environmental provides environmental research to support to policy and strategy decisions for clients such as American Petroleum Institute, CleanFARMS, Call2Recycle, North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), among others.
View some of our recent projects under the Projects menu at the top of this page.
EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) and Stewardship Program Research, Development, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
Kelleher Environmental has been heavily involved in EPR and stewardship program research and financial assessment and planning for a variety of clients, including CleanFARMS, Call2Recycle, News Media Canada, Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA), Waste Diversion Ontario (now Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority), Major Appliance Recycling Roundtable (MARR), and others.
View some of our recent projects under the Projects menu at the top of this page.
Energy, Batteries, and Climate Change
Energy, battery, and climate change projects involve best practice research on energy efficiency technologies, identifying and evaluating biomass power and utilization options; market assessment for biomass power facilities (confidential clients), and anaerobic digestion (AD) assessment, estimating the GHG impacts of various policies, programs and activities as well as battery based energy storage research.
Kelleher Environmental’s energy and climate change clients include Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada, the Biomass Association, Region of Durham, City of Toronto, SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utility District) and others. In several projects, Kelleher Environmental has evaluated the potential of some of these approaches to reduce GHG emissions.
View some of our recent projects under the Projects menu at the top of this page.
Recycling, Diversion and Waste Management Planning
Kelleher Environmental provides municipal waste diversion policy, program, planning, and implementation and evaluation services to a number of municipal clients and associations including: Metro Vancouver, City of Calgary, Regional Public Works Commissioners of Ontario (RPWCO), Municipal Recovery and Research Collaborative (M3RC) of Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), Oxford County, City of Toronto, Region of York, City of Ottawa and others.
View some of our recent projects under the Projects menu at the top of this page.