Blue and green bins set out in a back laneway in Newcastle, UK

Blue and green bins set out in a back laneway in Newcastle, UK
Sign on bus shelter in Ireland warning people about a 150 euro fine for those who do not dispose of chewing gum properly
Bring centre where recyclables and clothing are dropped off for recycling and reuse in Ireland
Setting out household garbage is pricier in Ireland than in Canada – 5 euros (about $6.50 Canadian) for 1.5 bags, or over $4 per bag!
Garbage collection by rear loading truck and cart system in Morocco.
A typical curbside set out in Toronto, Canada – 46 litre Green Bins for household organics are set out every week, alternating with Blue Bins (households pick the size they
Molok deep collection waste bins from Southern France along the Canal du Midi in the town of Beziers.
Waste bins in Montenegro